Calendar of the Soul Verses

Fortieth Week / Thirteenth Week

Here is the next pair of Calendar of the Soul verses for this week (#40) and its polar opposite (#13). Note how the verses have diverged from the lemniscate's crossing point at Michaelmas, (which is Verse #26 with Polar verse #27). We have just passed Christmas (#38), which occurs right after the Winter Solstice and marks the bottom of the lemniscate. (St. John's Tide marks the top). We are now moving toward the crossing point which will occur at Easter (#1) while the polar verse is now approaching St. John's Tide (#12).

This week's verse (#40) has dates of: January 5 - 11
The polar verse (#13) corresponds to the week: June 30 - July 6

              St.John's ---------->  12-13 <------(polar verse)
                                    9     15 
                                   6       19 
                                     3    23
                  Easter------------> 1-26 <------ Michaelmas
                                    27 - 52 
                                   29     49  
                                  32       45 
                                   34     40 <------(this week's verse)  
                Christmas----------> 38-39  

40. Woche (5. - 11. Januar)
Und bin ich in den Geistestiefen,
Erfuellt in meinen Seelengruenden
Aus Herzens Liebewelten
Der Eigenheiten leerer Wahn
Sich mit des Weltenwortes Feuerkraft.

40th week: (January 5 - 11)
I am now in the depths of the Spirit!

And in the foundations of my soul,
the empty illusion of my self-image
is filled with the fiery force
of the Cosmic Word---

flowing out of worlds of love
within my heart.

13. Woche (30. Juni - 6. Juli)
Und bin ich in den Sinneshoehen,
So flammt in meinen Seelentiefen
Aus Geistes Feuerwelten
Der Goetter Wahrheitswort:
In Geistesgruenden suche ahnend
Dich geistvervandt zu finden.

13th week: (June 30 - July 6)
I am now in my senses' heights!

Yet flaring in the depths of my soul---
from worlds of fire in the Spirit---
the gods speak this truth:

"At the Fountainhead of Spirit,
seek and you will find
your affinity to the Spirit!"

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