Calendar of the Soul Verses

Sixteenth Week / Thirty Seventh Week

Here is the next pair of Calendar of the Soul verses for this week (#16) and its polar opposite (#37). Note how the verses have diverged from the lemniscate's crossing point at Easter, (which is Verse #1 with Polar verse #52). We have just passed St. John's Tide (#12), which occurs right after the Summer Solstice and marks the top of the lemniscate. (Christmas marks the bottom). We are now moving toward the crossing point which will occur at Michaelmas (#26) while the polar verse (#37) is now the week before Christmas (#38).

This week's verse (#16) has dates of: July 21 - 27
The polar verse (#37) corresponds to the week: December 15 - 22

              St.John's ---------->  12-13
                                    9     16  <------(this week's verse)
                                   6       19 
                                     3    23
                  Easter------------> 1-26 <------ Michaelmas
                                    27 - 52 
                                   29     49  
                                  32       45 
           (polar verse) ------->  37     42  
                Christmas----------> 38-39  

16. Woche (21. - 27. Juli)
Zu bergen Geistgeschenk im Innern,
Gebietet strenge mir mein Ahnen,
Dass reifend Gottesgaben
In Seelen gruenden fruchtend
Der Selbstheit Fruechte bringen.

16th week: (July 21 - 27)
My intuition firmly commands me:

"Bury the spirit's treasures within you
so that these ripening gifts of God,
growing in the soil of your soul,
may bring forth the very fruits
of your own selfhood."

37. Woche (15. - 21. Dezember)
Zu tragen Geisteslicht in Weltenwinternacht
Erstrebet selig meines Herzens Trieb,
Dass leuchtend Seelenkeime
In Weltengruenden wurzeln,
Und Gotteswort im Sinnesdunkel
Verklaerend alles Sein durchtoent.

37th week: (December 15 - 21)
This is the blissful striving of my heart's desire:

To carry the light of the spirit
into the cosmic winter night,
so that sparkling seeds of my soul
may take root in cosmic soil---

and that the Word of God may resound
through the darkness of my senses,
transfiguring my entire existence.

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